Infrared (IR) or thermal radiation is a band of energy in the complete electromagnetic spectrum. IR is the radiations of longer wavelength than the red end of the visible spectrum and extends to the microwave region, i.e., from 760 nm to 1 mm. IR radiation is generated by Sun. Many ancient therapies have utilized sunlight for wound healing and pain relief. When Sun rays reach the ground, they get absorbed by gases or water molecules in the atmosphere. The human body is made of 70% water, so it can potentially accumulate a large amount of energy that could modulate biological processes by strong resonant absorption of IR radiation from sunlight mediated by water molecules. Any heated body emits infrared. Any material with a temperature above absolute zero emits IR. IR radiations are produced in all matter by molecular vibration; the molecular movement causes infrared emission of different wavelengths and frequencies. The frequencies at which maximum radiations are emitted are proportional to the temperature which means the higher the temperature, the higher the frequency and so shorter the wavelength.


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  • IRR THERAPY Treatment in Gaur City 2
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